Reading instructions tidal calendar by Les Marées

Reading instructions

Reading instructions

Download the instructions for reading your French, German and English tidal calendar. The arrowed locations of the information present on the calendar and the basic notions of the tidal phenomenon are noted there.

“Follow the curves and make the tides easier!”


Instructions for reading the French tidal calendar

Image de la notice de lecture du calendrier des marées pour la France

How to read the french tidal calendar

Instructions for reading the German tidal calendar

Image de la notice de lecture des calendriers des marées allemands de la Mer du Nord

How to read the Geman tidal calendar


Instructions for reading the English and Portuguese tidal calendar

Notice of reading english tidal calendar

How to read the english tidal calendar


You have located the geographical location of your tidal zone on the map.
You have chosen your tidal calendar. Thanks to the instructions you can find your way in the order of the information. You discover how easy our calendar is to read and visualize a tidal year at a glance. You can now anticipate and plan all your seaside activities!

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